The implementation of a management system (ISO), be it quality, health and safety, environmental or other, is not such a simple matter. The quality of such an implemented management system is determined by Knowledge and commitment of consultants

Implementation of a management system is a service consisting in leading the company in such a way that it obtains a positive certification result in the scope of the standard it expected, how do we operate:

  • Stage I . First, we conduct a zero audit, i.e. we check to what extent the company meets the requirements of the standard, we get to know the company
  • Stage 2 . We start work, build a work schedule, and prepare documentation together. We train employees
  • Stage 3 . We conduct another audit to check whether our joint activities ensured that the implementation of the management system is complete.

Implementation of a management system is an art that requires experience

Advantages of the management systems we have implemented:

  • Bureaucracy . Exactly there is a lack, our systems are slim.
  • Match . We build (do not copy) the system for your company or your company.
  • Data. Our systems provide data, facilitate decision making.
  • Improvement. Our systems (in addition to certification) improve either quality or safety, or reduce energy consumption. They just fulfill their role and not disturb!

BPI can implement the management system of the following standards:

  • Basic . ISO 9001, 14001, 45001.
  • Specialized . ISO 3484, 50001.
  • Management. 5s, 6s, PAPP, QFD, FMEA, Six Sigma, SMED

Experience. Each of these systems has been implemented more than once in a small company consisting of several people to a very large enterprise.

Order a free consultation

Fill out the form on the right or call 668 681 576.

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